
Listen to the Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.

Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.

-Shel Silverstein

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Manllow, Sawyer Brown, Fire Petal

I know Christmas has just passed and my birthday isn't until October but you would be my very best friend in the world if you bought me an Edward and Jacob Manllow.


What in the world has she done to Jacob???  You horrible Asian-version Bella!  Get your hands off Edward Manllow and get your stinky, groady feet away from Jacob's face!!

Moving on...I am in Tennesse again this week.  I was having dinner with a collegue at a local Mexican restaurant. 

I look over a few tables down and see Sawyer!!  OMG, It's Sawyer...from LOST!  Why is he wearing an apron and waiting on tables?  Am I the only one who see's this? 

Wait!  EEEEK!  He is coming this way!  He is coming up to our table..he is going to say something...I think I'm going to faint!!

"Guud e'vn, folks, whuuut ccnn I git fer ya'll?"

Yikes.  The voice is drawlly and slightly retarded.  This can't be my Sawyer.  It sure looks like him but this must be some country version, like the 90's Sawyer Brown band perhaps?

Close mouth....swoon.

Open mouth....cringe.

"Excuse me, sir?  Could you just stand there and shut up?  I will point to what I want.  Thanks!"

Anyway, in the interest of staying with the book club theme here, Michelle Witte is trying to raise money to open Fire Petal Books in Centerville, UT.  Fire Petal Books is dedicated to improving literacy and writing skills for kids and teens. In addition to selling quality children’s and young adult books, the store will play host to a variety of groups, programs, and activities.

They are having an auction to raise money; books, accessories, authors are donating time to edit manuscripts, etc. 

So click here to check it out!  Fire Petal Books Auction

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. Especially about the Mannlow's. Thanks for the link to Fire Petal Books Auction. Great cause!
